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In the summer, how to reduce the growth of bacteria in the bathroom?

Say summer, people first think of heat, summer is the highest temperature period of the year, which both inland areas of dry heat, and coastal areas of humid, hot, summer weather is not only the heat word summed up.
The hot and humid climate environment in summer creates conditions for the reproduction of bacteria and microorganisms, and also puts forward higher requirements for home hygiene. Do not think that the room clean spotless, is completely clear with bacteria and viruses, they always grow and reproduce in the corner of people's attention, a little inattentive will give us a surprise, suffering from colds, skin allergies, abdominal pain and diarrhea and other diseases. Our Lewu shower room of the majority of colleagues also fell in the recent weather more than half of the personnel.
Today, Xiaobian will share with you the next few of the most easily produced bacteria, and see what the most effective cleaning and maintenance measures are?
First, the summer bathroom prone to bacteria toilet shower room should be cleaned in time
The summer bathroom should be cleaned more diligently, otherwise it will become a hotbed of bacteria and insects, and the key part is in the toilet and shower room, if there is a bathtub, the bathtub is also the focus of cleaning.
1. Cover the toilet seat when flushing
After going to the toilet, most people do not put the toilet lid on the consciousness of flushing, most of them are a rush. If the toilet seat is open when the toilet is flushed, the instantaneous cyclone inside the toilet can carry germs or microorganisms up to 6 meters in the air and stay suspended in the air for several hours, finally landing on objects or walls. This can easily pollute the air and indoor objects. Now in most families, the toilet, washing, shower are carried out in the bathroom, toothbrushes, mouthwash cups, towels, etc., are also in the same room with the toilet, and naturally it is easy to be contaminated by bacteria. Therefore, the habit of covering the toilet seat when flushing should be developed.
2, try not to set up waste paper basket near the toilet
Most families will set up a waste paper basket next to the toilet, place used toilet paper, sanitary napkins, etc., which is very easy to breed bacteria, and spread with the air, the longer the storage time, the more bacteria will breed. Therefore, try not to set up waste paper baskets near the toilet. If you must use it, choose one with a lid to prevent bacteria from spreading, and dispose of used toilet paper promptly. In addition, you can prepare a hygiene bag when needed and dispose of it at any time.
3, the toilet seat bacteria, need to focus on cleaning
The toilet is easy to produce dysentery bacillus, which is mostly transmitted through human urine and feces, and the dysentery bacillus can generally survive for more than 10 days in dark and humid places. In addition, many people like to put a cloth washer on the toilet, which is easier to absorb, retain and discharge pollutants, and increase the possibility of spreading diseases. In this kind of contact with people's skin the most "intimate" and bacteria are easy to hide, cleaning work is more important. The average family should wipe with diluted household disinfectant every one or two days, and regularly focus on cleaning the toilet seat.
4, toilet brush to keep clean and dry
The toilet brush is the basic tool for cleaning the toilet. If you do not pay attention to the cleaning and drying of the toilet brush, it will also become a source of pollution. Every time you brush the dirt, the brush will inevitably be stained with dirt, it is recommended to rinse it with clean water, after the water is drained, and then spray the disinfectant, and finally hang the toilet brush in a transparent place, do not put it in the corner, do not put it in an airtight container.
5, use the shower room after bathing, wipe the wall surface and cover the floor drain
In high temperature weather, it is not rare to take three or four baths a day, every time you take a bath, the wall of the shower room, the ground will accumulate a pool of water, before going to bed, to dry the ground and the wall. Because, in a humid environment for a long time, the joints of the tile are prone to small dark green mold spots, which will also corrod the splice of the tile, and after there is a gap between the tile and the tile, the small bugs will take root inside.
Shower room glass long-term use may appear yellow water stains, the longer the time, the more difficult it is to remove clean, as soon as possible with cleaning agents and wet rags to deal with it. As for the hardware in the shower room, you can not use cleaning agents and wet rags to wipe, these two things will make the hardware rust, the safer way is to wipe with dry cloth.
After the number of showers, you may encounter the situation of the shower head blocked, this time, there is a fairly simple solution: after the evening shower, pour half a cup of vinegar in the basin, and then put some water, and soak the shower head in the basin of liquid. The next day, the shower head is completely clean and smooth.
When you're done, also remember to cover the floor drain so that bugs like cockroaches can't crawl into your home down the drain.
7, the bathtub attached to human dander every time clean once
You can't go swimming, so you have to take a bath at home. After soaking in the bath, the bathtub is actually attached to a lot of human dander, light water, can not wash off. It's best to sponge it down inch by inch. Bathtub brush, some areas can not be brushed at all, and the brush is rough
Second, the most easily ignored home hygiene dead Angle
So what are the dead corners of home hygiene that are easily overlooked? Let's take a look at what can be done to eliminate and effectively block the invasion of the disease.

A refrigerator is not a "safe"
Many people think that everything will be fine when food is put into the refrigerator, in fact, the refrigerator does not have the function of sterilization, and can only delay the process of food spoilage. Food stored in the refrigerator can introduce thousands of bacteria, many of which are low-temperature bacteria viruses. In summer, the refrigerator door opens and closes frequently, the temperature of the box changes rapidly, and the bacteria multiply to create a suitable environment.
Countermeasures: Regular cleaning, disinfection, summer should be once a week. 84 disinfectant can be used to scrub, pay special attention to scrubbing box seams, corners, partitions, and then wipe clean with a clean damp cloth. In addition, raw and cooked food should be placed in separate warehouses and packaged with plastic bags to prevent mutual infection. Moreover, the storage time of food should not be too long, and the stored cooked food, melons and fruits must be heated and boiled or washed before eating.
Air-conditioned rooms should be ventilated frequently. Hot summer, air conditioning to send cool, however, if open the air conditioning, the room is closed, the air is not circulated, bacteria, viruses are easy to grow. At the same time, in the case of no air circulation, harmful substances produced by indoor decoration and decoration are also easy to volatilize and cause air pollution. In addition, the environment in the air conditioning duct and fan is suitable for the growth of viruses and bacteria, especially in the fully enclosed central air conditioning, which is especially suitable for the growth of bacteria and viruses such as Legionella.
Countermeasures: If you often stay in an air-conditioned room, you should ensure that the room is ventilated and breathable. Usually, after opening the air conditioner for 1 hour to 3 hours, attention should be paid to opening the window to discharge the indoor air and let the outdoor air enter the room, so as to reduce the degree of indoor air pollution, reduce the virus, and thus reduce the chance of infection. In addition, the inside of the air conditioner should be cleaned in time to keep the air duct, filter net, and return water pipe clean.
Water dispenser is disinfected 1-2 times a month
Even in a clean environment, there are about 4,000 bacteria per cubic meter in the air. So once the drinking water machine is contaminated, it is of no use how pure the drinking water is. There is often a small amount of water around the water intake of the drinking machine, which is easy to be infected with germs. The water outlet switch is "touched" by the drinker, and the chance of pollution can be imagined. In small families, the use of a bucket of water for too long also increases health risks.
Countermeasures: Water dispensers must be cleaned and disinfected regularly, usually 1-2 times/month in summer. Each time the water dispenser is disinfected, the "smart seat", "smart head" and the hot and cold water nozzle should be wiped with disinfectant, and the inner liner and piping system should be soaked.
Leave the door open after the washing machine is finished
There is a set of barrels outside the washing machine laundry bucket, water will flow back and forth in the middle of the mezzanine of the two barrels, and the mezzanine is not easy to clean, a long time will be attached to a large number of pathogenic bacteria, in the summer high temperature, humid environment, bacteria will multiply faster.
Countermeasures: After the washing machine is used, it is best to open the door and ventilate to dry, in order to reduce the generation of germs. In addition, because many bacteria and parasites can cause infection through clothes, it is best not to wash more than one person's clothes together when using the washing machine, especially the clothes of healthy people and patients must be cleaned separately.
Brush the cutting board separately and let dry
Summer is a high season for food poisoning, so pay extra attention to kitchen hygiene. According to the relevant departments, raw and cooked food mixed cutting board, per square centimeter there are more than 2 million staphylococcus, E. coli more than 4 million, and other bacteria. Cross-contamination of raw and cooked food is one of the main causes of food poisoning.
Countermeasures: Two cutting boards and two kitchen knives must be used at home to process raw food and cooked food separately. After each use, the cutting board should be scrubbed clean, put in a ventilated place, keep dry, and often wipe and rinse with disinfectant to ensure that the cutting board is hygienic.
Dishcloths are boiled or microwaved weekly
Many families use dishcloths to wipe furniture as well as sinks, knives and POTS. The cleaning of the cloth itself depends on a "wash" word to send, which is far from enough. According to the study, there are 10 million to 100 million bacteria per square centimeter of dishcloth, and 10 million to 10 million E. coli. Even rags that look clean on the surface can harbor harmful bacteria due to repeated use.
Solution: Boil or sterilize the cloth in the microwave oven 1-2 times a week, then expose it to the sun for 1 day, and change it frequently. In addition, the rag is best to "do their part", such as wipe the bathroom rag only to wipe the bathroom, wipe the living room rag only to wipe the living room, do not mix together.
The floor drain should be waterproof sealed and dry
In summer, many families have encountered the situation of floor leakage, and serious problems such as sewage overflow and insects crawling out. What is the reason for this? Originally, the floor drain is the connection between the sewer pipe and the septic tank and the living room space. The old-fashioned floor drain relies on the water stored in the floor drain itself to form a water seal, and the living room space and the pipeline system are separated by the water seal. Once the "water seal" is destroyed, the sewer and even the septic tank are connected with the indoor space, and the toxic and harmful gases such as skatine, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane and hydrogen sulfide in the sewer will be emitted, which will cause harm to human health.
Countermeasures: When using the floor drain, the water seal must be prevented from drying out, and water should be injected regularly. If you want to travel for a long time, it is best to seal the floor drain with a lid.
Don't forget to disinfect the dog house
Most homes are dusted every day and thoroughly cleaned once a week. However, there is one "health dead spot" that is easily overlooked: the pet and its nest. Whether it is a baby cat or a dog, protect their cleanliness and health, that is, make the home environment more clean and comfortable, and effectively prevent virus damage in close contact between people and pets.
Action: Bathe your pet regularly and clean its nest frequently with disinfectant. In general, Dettol, chlorine dioxide preparations and lysol water are more suitable for family use with pets, the nature is relatively mild, and soluble in water, can kill bacterial propagands and some viruses.
As long as you do these points, summer colds, gastroenteritis and other small diseases can be far away.

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